ED: From AbedMOOC.com & Friends Brand Chartering: In large part risks of extinction are an education crisis. United Nations urgent need : happy AI family of avatar curators linking poorest teachers/students to deep Adaptation solutions.
The avatars need to become the number 1 brand id on the metaverse - can you help changeteacher.com? Let's do this in time to celebrate 10000 sdg young storytellers Spring 23 thks to SDGmetaverseprize.org
DAOS & all that jazz: doc on why we are so hopeful educators & students /tech wizardry & community treasuries- can celebrate sustainability generation
....Congrats to UN first ever chaos maths session (starring ed msoft's brad smith, UNEP's Noronha, Welcome Trust's Khokhar , Dept of State'sd Witkowsky -TO reaches General Assembly thursday sept 24 and zoom for all. Great update to 9th jigsaw piece CODES of UN2 Transformation - latest news on 1-8. Special shoutout Mongolia in 14 days your zooms and real hosting have shown cases of people service unique to good in the world
Update Uniting Nations & Humans Sept 2022: 6 years ago, two global village cooperation entrepreneurs heard bad news at Un - year 1 briefing on goal 4 education showed zero chance of reality unless new maps of age of digital interdependence were co-created. Sources at UN Digital Library and witnesses in new York & Geneva share what happened next: Jim Kim world bank and Jack Ma Alibaba Kitsui Geneva UN trade for all; Houlin Geneva ITU (tech for all) Panel of First year-long report Age of Digital Interdependence added eg us’ melinda gates … UAE Al Gergawi; Japan Yuichiro Anzai; Korea’s Sophie Soowon Eom; Estonia’s Kaljurand; google’s Cerf; israel ebay Radinsky; Russia WEForum Youth Marina Kolesnik; Rwanda Ntawari First GDC roundtable lead govs UAE and germany with UNTech Envoy() supporting govs: Japan Denmark UK Canada Switerland France EU LDC represented by Malawi, Lanlocked by Paraguay. Others included: UNCTAD ITU UNDESA(social-economical); Kenya’s Ushahidi; ICANN ; Internet Society; GSMA; Diplo Foundation; Intl ChambersCommerce; Robert Bosch Stiltung; Ford Foundation; European Broadcatsing Assn; Brazilian Internet SteerCom; kazistan egov JSC ICT; Global partners Digital ; World bank; World Economic Forum
which govs were first to help UN leader Guterres with TECH brainstorming gov 2.0 ? Main sponsors tech 1 global connectivity government Uganda with UNICEF ITU. Additional gov support: Rwanda, Egypt Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Niger, European Union (EU) Greece’s Eva Kaili 2020 chair EU Science STDA. Sample others: ACTAI, Alibaba, Ethereum, Gates Foundation Mastercard M-Pesa Lemann Foundation Office of the Deputy-Secretary-General of the United Nations’ UN Secretary-General’s Task Force on Digital Financing of the Sustainable Development Goals (DFTF) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) World Bank World Food Programme
Sponsor Tech2 Artificial Intel for Good: Govs Finland, France with FutureofLife, Unesco, GlobalPulse, UNESCO and … govs of Slovenia, Singapore, Korea.< Canada, Shitezerland, Malaysia, Brazil , Ghana, EU . Sample others including ITU, DFTF, President of UNGA, WIPO, ARM, Deepmind, Element AI, AAAI. IEEE, Beijing Academy of AI, Tsinghua University, Microsoft, OECD, OpenAI,
50 years ago a billion village women and a former oil company ceo Fazle Abed started networking "Decentralised Pan-Asia Village Investing : NFTs (that wasnt the jargon they used ; for 25 years withour electricity); using SDgoal numbering UN declared in 2015, their 1970s startup networks designed NFT4 3 2 1 and partnership of 5,6 and resilience 7 upwards. We are using SDG code numbers which weren't declared by nations as relevant to gravitate around to 2015. What happened at the end of the 20th C is someone at a silicon valley millennium goals party asked the billion girls envoy to share their knowhow across hemispheres. So the GOUP Global University of Poverty was formed inviting all female graduates to collaborate across communities needed sdg solutions - in other words, NFT world started to to loop the loop 4 3 2 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5&17 (ie not PPP but me-too joyful PWomenP) -Is this the right stuff of millennial world's greatest celebrities SDgoats.com and naturally the most loving players sdgs.games (lets co-blog, roadmap, and see what humanlty and AI possible) Thanks to Meta-womens.
related resources : more structured at 15th annual update : worldrecordjobs.com - more conversational innovations.ning.com
1980s TeachforSdgs.com : Norman Macrae (Economist Diarist and Von Neumann's biographer (assistant in asking what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech every decade started 1980s prepping for his last of 5 decades at The Economist; co-authored with son chris- 2025 report timelined most likely exponential challenges every decade to sustainability/extinction denouement 2030;

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

peace nft 16

 My father thought and fought for peace as much as anyone during his first 28 years on earth (1823-1951). Here are 3 profiles: his action learning curve, a checklist for uniting nations 1945, a situational report 1951

Grandad had been preparing a doctorate in religion Heidelberg when world war1 broke out. Fluent in German he became a minor spy. At war's end returing to the family's trr's trade of scottish diaspora missionaries no longer resonated. Instead grandad was assigned to British Embassies soon ton colact more intel on the rising risks of Hitler and Stalin, Age 13 my dad was still being homeschooled at British Embassy in Moscow.He could see not only the coming of world war 2, but sadlyone of two mad men would be on tyhe winning side. Dad dpent hais last years as atten as navigator in allied bomber command, Burma Campaign.As one of the luck ones  surving air force duties, he was determined to search the future optimistically. He also had google maps of the old world in his head a generation ahead of policy makers or mediators. He was mentored by Keynes at Cambridge where he married Sir Kenneth's Kemp's daugher. During Norma's life Sir ken as chief justice in Mumbai was responsible for emdating Gandhi; and sir ken's last project was writing up the uK's leagese for India's Indepenence. Sir Ken had been told to type this up for one India not the partitioning that happened. Dad took on a temorary job at The economist which lasted through 5 decades until the worldwide web. At The Economist Sir Geofferey Crowther shared with dad his elarning from masterediting the cenenary autobiograhy of The Economsit 1843-1943. In 1951 The Ecoomist seconded dad to New York for a year where norman met von neumman in priceton. He was given the greatest jouranlaist scoop to shaere. What will peopels do with 100 times more etch every decade back from the futture : 2025-1945

Dad's checklist  for Uniting nations leat lonesustainaing 1945's world popuilation of 2 billio:
Outast mad man stalin
Reboot advanced nations: the marshall plabn would need to do this so that even peoples in the beaten nations (Germany, Italy, Japan) could work hoefully on generating better futuers
It was also last chnace of Empires to end colonial age world mapping. Up to there quarters of peoples were living in places that had been colonised;. Typically they had been left out of all benefits of first 2 centuries of Galsow's engines : they lived mainly on vast continents' rural areas (meaning no electricty grids). Whether you made a list of the 8 or twenty most advanced nations/empires : all but one was white (ethnicity Europe) but it was the new world's nations mainly USA that were solvent as nations. Thise that had embeedded conflicting bodrers in dividing and conquering the old world of Asia and Africa, particularly Britain and France,might ceded independence but weren't in a position to make finacancial reparations. And USA as effectively the savour of the old world had next to zero historicakl knowhow of the deep datan mapping athat chad controled world trade across the continets if Asia and Africa. Have anoter look at the strange geograpghy : atri continet land bridgewhere the European med sea ends, with Asia then the coastlin moves west to Africa but not before the suez canal divinding sesery guld=fs (soon to be discovered as huge carbon deposist) from Africa'schoice of coastlines: north africa's med sea facing europs, the eastern coastline of Africa extending to the far south

Situation report 1951:
knowing the gift of 100 times more etch per decade would be the great opportunity of the great threat given hoiw the first 180 development round engine power had ended in world wars
the marshap plane was going well tahnsk to america's handling of WEst Germany and Japan; and so far Stalin had been outlasted
The development of the three qurters of hostoricakly colnised peoples had barely begun

If we lsit what happened 1951-1961 : alot of hop seemed to be brewing - kennedy in particular was pereparing youth to celebrate 2 extrodrinary 16=960s chalenges of 100 tiems more tech
the mon race
mapping worldwide interdependence
a Europen aUnion had been born 
but even as these future stories offered hope 4 diastaers were about to break:
cuba missile crisis started turning latin america into a cold war cjase by 2 rivals to sponsor dictatrs not to develop peoples
america's first war with no end game (vietnam) had begun
the european union reversed its founding pourpose of peace to all by putting a wall around its agriculture- the cruelest thing you could do to all pporer neibghouring (colonised0 countries
  keenedy was assinated
what america had done from independences was to build what to 1960 appeared to be the benchamr map for contientaol infrastructure -completing highways foroverland transport and continet wide electrification bting a nation briadcast to by television
Irinically what was the great testimony to the first 200 yeras of glasgow's engines was not necessarily a contiental model relevant anywhere else now that 100 times more tech was compounding every decde. YOu can follow Economist surveys debating nation and hemisphere ocnsequnces of this from 1962 at www.tecah =forsdgs.com - sadly the void left by kenedy's death can be argued to be the beginning of teh end of every peoples celebration of Anmerucan as financing sustainability of everyone. What went wrong as well as right needs maoing openly from 360 degree viewpoints nit just the ever more lonely capital of washington dc. Lonely in the sense that every vested interest was to start huge communications campaigns at teh same time as politicians were no longer safe to meet and greet the peopels; and the communications structure relevabt fir when man and hosre was the fastetst messenger acroos states became way of medating lowest common denonimator stuff inside usa and quite frankly kennedy's ich bein ein d=berliner was the end of usa maooibg a multipolar world if huamndeveleopment rather thabn the beginnining if aoplying each new decades tech to what by 2025 would be 4 times more humans than when the un was birn - and livelihid indterdependence of borderless webbed workds 3 2 1 as well as integrating the prevuously disconnecetd worlds of web 0 and web00

If 8 billion people are to enjoy peace let alone prevent extinction themn we need to pinpoint crissraids in world historry 2025-1945 weher sytme choibes were being made which have compinded today's sustainbvilit ctises which are going to require all humman and macgine intel to come together to colaborative resolve. Often these were points of time where the decsision made in any particyular quarter may have been as good as possible but human development from child to adult requires far more inteligence than quarterly tracstional. Just as experience needs to be co=umulative to communally irgansue a good life.

Let us suppose kennedy and related missions had not been termianted in 1963. Specifically what if:
USA had become confindent that eg Japand Korea S Taiwaan had discosvered asia rising traidng modesl that couild free intergenartion across asia
and if the idea of the eu could have led to peac out of europe but unilataeral decisions such as comon ag policy had not been made without asking the word how this fitted with 1962-1945- a time where the erst of tyhe world had given so much to heal the FIG (France Italy Germand) and quite frankly luxembourg and belgium had been at most bystanders in their own troubled spaces; i may have a prejudice but I believe the onlt=y thing the netheralds did wrong in teh EU was failure to demand more involevement -if the hagie had been the centre of teh european union and brussels the centre of world justrice that might have been better - see eg my fathers devbate with tfoudners of EU as only journalist who was there; conversekly the founding 6 of teh eu were very norther centric when actually realstion across med sea mattered if europe was to impact africa, middle east, east europe and beyond peacefully; I dont understand teh sequencing of eu expansion but it certainly never understood the urgent priorities intefacing its south coast and canal neigbors; which is also why the comon ag polict=y was as big a worldwide sustainability mistake as whatever regional mistake usa made first - eg its relations with latin amwerice; we need i think to accept that the usa has 3 different inequalit crises: west coast is mainkly latino white american relations; the cia cultuvating drug trades in 1960s was as terrible as the nationalpolicy use latin america as checker board of spondoring dictstirs to face off with thise ussr sponsored 

the east coast noth of florida is primarily a relations problem between whites and black americans

the so called heartland is both a problem of rich landwoenrs versus poor farmers and ultimately wehere diatnce from majot cities is most lijkely to value male power over womens nurturing capabilities (although violennce all over america is somethingthe life development of women and children lsoe most from)

The point is that a nation of 4% of the human race facing so many internal needs to reconcile cant be expected to fully attend to 95% of other peoples -the 1960s responsibility of being up to half of the finacial  conomy of tyhe workd was a model compunding risks that the rest of the world's policy makers should have helepd each other; ironically if usa had got to teh stage of regaining trust that north east coats of asia could start mapping trade taht 75% of people of the pacific ocean needed and the trusted thye european union bith to design a win-win atlantic trade area and more importanntly respoksibility fir the tricontient land brdige as number 1 crossriads of the old world then may be nations would not have spent more on more and armes; and less and less on developing children whi are the core resource of human generation

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