ED: From AbedMOOC.com & Friends Brand Chartering: In large part risks of extinction are an education crisis. United Nations urgent need : happy AI family of avatar curators linking poorest teachers/students to deep Adaptation solutions.
The avatars need to become the number 1 brand id on the metaverse - can you help changeteacher.com? Let's do this in time to celebrate 10000 sdg young storytellers Spring 23 thks to SDGmetaverseprize.org
DAOS & all that jazz: doc on why we are so hopeful educators & students /tech wizardry & community treasuries- can celebrate sustainability generation
....Congrats to UN first ever chaos maths session (starring ed msoft's brad smith, UNEP's Noronha, Welcome Trust's Khokhar , Dept of State'sd Witkowsky -TO reaches General Assembly thursday sept 24 and zoom for all. Great update to 9th jigsaw piece CODES of UN2 Transformation - latest news on 1-8. Special shoutout Mongolia in 14 days your zooms and real hosting have shown cases of people service unique to good in the world
Update Uniting Nations & Humans Sept 2022: 6 years ago, two global village cooperation entrepreneurs heard bad news at Un - year 1 briefing on goal 4 education showed zero chance of reality unless new maps of age of digital interdependence were co-created. Sources at UN Digital Library and witnesses in new York & Geneva share what happened next: Jim Kim world bank and Jack Ma Alibaba Kitsui Geneva UN trade for all; Houlin Geneva ITU (tech for all) Panel of First year-long report Age of Digital Interdependence added eg us’ melinda gates … UAE Al Gergawi; Japan Yuichiro Anzai; Korea’s Sophie Soowon Eom; Estonia’s Kaljurand; google’s Cerf; israel ebay Radinsky; Russia WEForum Youth Marina Kolesnik; Rwanda Ntawari First GDC roundtable lead govs UAE and germany with UNTech Envoy() supporting govs: Japan Denmark UK Canada Switerland France EU LDC represented by Malawi, Lanlocked by Paraguay. Others included: UNCTAD ITU UNDESA(social-economical); Kenya’s Ushahidi; ICANN ; Internet Society; GSMA; Diplo Foundation; Intl ChambersCommerce; Robert Bosch Stiltung; Ford Foundation; European Broadcatsing Assn; Brazilian Internet SteerCom; kazistan egov JSC ICT; Global partners Digital ; World bank; World Economic Forum
which govs were first to help UN leader Guterres with TECH brainstorming gov 2.0 ? Main sponsors tech 1 global connectivity government Uganda with UNICEF ITU. Additional gov support: Rwanda, Egypt Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Niger, European Union (EU) Greece’s Eva Kaili 2020 chair EU Science STDA. Sample others: ACTAI, Alibaba, Ethereum, Gates Foundation Mastercard M-Pesa Lemann Foundation Office of the Deputy-Secretary-General of the United Nations’ UN Secretary-General’s Task Force on Digital Financing of the Sustainable Development Goals (DFTF) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) World Bank World Food Programme
Sponsor Tech2 Artificial Intel for Good: Govs Finland, France with FutureofLife, Unesco, GlobalPulse, UNESCO and … govs of Slovenia, Singapore, Korea.< Canada, Shitezerland, Malaysia, Brazil , Ghana, EU . Sample others including ITU, DFTF, President of UNGA, WIPO, ARM, Deepmind, Element AI, AAAI. IEEE, Beijing Academy of AI, Tsinghua University, Microsoft, OECD, OpenAI,
50 years ago a billion village women and a former oil company ceo Fazle Abed started networking "Decentralised Pan-Asia Village Investing : NFTs (that wasnt the jargon they used ; for 25 years withour electricity); using SDgoal numbering UN declared in 2015, their 1970s startup networks designed NFT4 3 2 1 and partnership of 5,6 and resilience 7 upwards. We are using SDG code numbers which weren't declared by nations as relevant to gravitate around to 2015. What happened at the end of the 20th C is someone at a silicon valley millennium goals party asked the billion girls envoy to share their knowhow across hemispheres. So the GOUP Global University of Poverty was formed inviting all female graduates to collaborate across communities needed sdg solutions - in other words, NFT world started to to loop the loop 4 3 2 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5&17 (ie not PPP but me-too joyful PWomenP) -Is this the right stuff of millennial world's greatest celebrities SDgoats.com and naturally the most loving players sdgs.games (lets co-blog, roadmap, and see what humanlty and AI possible) Thanks to Meta-womens.
related resources : more structured at 15th annual update : worldrecordjobs.com - more conversational innovations.ning.com
1980s TeachforSdgs.com : Norman Macrae (Economist Diarist and Von Neumann's biographer (assistant in asking what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech every decade started 1980s prepping for his last of 5 decades at The Economist; co-authored with son chris- 2025 report timelined most likely exponential challenges every decade to sustainability/extinction denouement 2030;

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

join worldclassdaos at whatspp; help 2025 report 'womenspace.docx  complete 40th and last year of future of webs .celebrate 60 th year of asian 2/3 of being rising beyond colonial age and 70th + year of The Economist joining in Von Neumann survey - what goods to interact with 100 times more tech per decade?

celebrate hong kong leading premier league of web3 livemattercities; cast your alumnisat vote chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk - celebrate first student-teacher year of streaming 17 stories ever shared; sdgmetaverseprize.org - join leaders of Uniting Nations in asking which govs want to digitally cooperate in world class civic service-

celebrate most exciting web3 summit yet nov withteam vriti ed3dao & k20ed

WELCOME TO DAO WORLD -where communities have their own treasuries- if gov isnt serving you - why dont we all serve each other - tech makes that easy from now on
If you'd like a shortcut to touring best for humanity DAOS go to world class daos or co-study with us ed3dao.com -this is connecting so many cooperations if education is your thing that we want to vote it as dao of 2022 (any other votes rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk ; tour -go to wed3do.com (join discord for free)- lifetime membership of dao and co-creation is ).1 ethereum - some intro clicks  ... 1  ... again mail chris oif you want a zoom questions (pls note I am only 390th co-worker - i can try tell you who /why this started.. but its up to you to make education wonderful
Note on natural systems mapping; our research of communal human development is influenced by 3 unique perspectives of Scots: Adam Smith wrote two books on transparent markets serving as last before engineering and the first with engineering. Also our worldwide partnerships as mainly diaspora network have been built without direct representation in any bureaucratic club of nations (including paper printed monetary politics). What the UN calls SDGs 2-5 have special interest to empowered last mile service cooperation whereas goals 17,1, 6 require mediation whether your village is mainly city or mainly rural. From 1951 when London Scot Economist journalists were asked by Von Neumann to address the most valuable question what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech every decade?,  what the UN calls goals 7-16 needed mediating beyond cultures grounded by diversity of communities developing families. This was embedded in purpose of being world's favorite viewspaper before the era of web1-3 increasingly limited what paper printed learning could perform. See EconomistDiary.com, Teachforsdgs.com & 1984's 2025 report for what has become 4 the first 4 decades of lives and livelihoods being interconnected intels of human, natural and artificial- as well as separable.
Summifuture invites 100 people most concerned about goal2 food-ed to pilot NFT2- sample twitter
DIARY: Exponentially sustainable future systems modeling began in 1951 when Economist Journalists (TeachforSdgs.com) were asked by Von Neumann to apply the sustainable world's most valuable question: what GOODS would peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade through 1930s to 2020s? some early goods- jfk challenge youth and engineers to moon race decade- brilliant output satellite telecoms ( future opportunity:death of cost of disnace in apps of life critical knowhow); neuman twin ai labs born - facing asia pacific out of stanfoird, atlantic out of boston; from 1965 asia pacific trade thanks to huge order by japanese calculatitr comoany leaps round networks of intel promise 100 times more silicon chip capacity per decade -wj=hile ne asia coast line maps 2 new asia rising models (100% production vilages women and men; sme supply chians -coastal raodsters (with 10 times more efficient container docking: asia win-win city development simpler than massive overland supply chains) : consequence of intel most innovative place world ever seen branded as silicon valley from 1962- by mid 1980s chinese american transfers to taiwan as second epicentre. Whilst we can lista mzing opportunities such change unbalanced states - after kenedy's death its unclear if washington dc diuctated by texas (hiterto the power behind us development) mediated 100 times more goods

NB Sadly the world's maths Goats (Neumann Einstein Turing ..) had been required to spend most of their lives on the bad of nuclear arms. Neumann defined goods as way above zero sum models. For example, networking life critical knowhow around Earth's communities multiplies value in application unlike consuming up things. How many revolutions do learning economies take- japan has proposed soc 5.0 integrating osaka deep data track (ie good enough data to humanise AI?); switerland has prospoes 4 industrial revolution; educatirs seek to take back web3 what got lost in web 2,1 and mass tv age; if gov could get to 2.0 deep public servive the younger half of the workld would have more than a bats chance in hell of being first sustainability generation (leaving as much on fnature's abundant resources for future kids)

 8 billion being and infinte ai brain connecdyivity - is uniting peoples still possible? 2020s is most exciting time to be alive; unless we change celebrtity (Arts, Sports Fashions ... ) processes starting with  freeing tenegaers up with spaces like www.sdgmetaverseprize.org every student year from now on - developing 8 billion good lives will never again be possible (that much is mathematically certain - if you want to dbeate maths i am at chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk valuetrue.com ) Kennedy's adminstration seems to have been the last to be guided by economists/academics conscious of exponentially sustainable maths. For specific sectors eg health, southern cultural models eg Franciscan, Freire embed public servant leadership of a kind deep enough (potentially to make data of AI human enough). It is interesting that Oriental Consciousness models where grounded in concerns for natural systems offer engineering validity that is not evident in USA except where linked to the twin AI labs celebrating Von Neumann since 1960 - stanford's facing Asia pacific (70% plus of human future trading), MIT facing Atlantic's (25% minus); we have reserved 5% for eg arctic circle and desert modeling where most carbon sinks impact world trade. Of course you can segment how nature's maps condition sustainability or extinction of species in much more detail if AI maths of data from every GPs started with smart devices circa 2008 (web 2) is valued for such purpose. Population modelers ask for modesty in clarifying productivity of 8 billion beings. For example nurturing children is not counted in GDP models and what is not counted is expoenetially loist from decision making. It is also not clear what could be called the American adminstraive mindset govering the world represents. Oxfam says 30 richest americansd own more finacial assets than the 40% poorest. So to be blunt does the dolar model of economics mainly represnet 25 peoples compound interests, or the 2.5% of the world who are white America or all 4.5% of North Aerica- or within American states does Texas mindset always beggar thy neighbor of other states given this state's control of oil economy and gun law rooted in controling its forced purchase of west coast from mexico. These are not simple dynamics yet that is no reason to exclude them if human and artificial intel are to advance the human lot across generations. Another approach is in the memory of Queen Elizabeth 2 to debate where is public service number 1 in what a nation's branding is purposefully connecting to our species. Zoom with us after september's debate on progress of UN2 at www.queenofhearts.city as we allocate 9 months homework to Adam Smiths 265 moral sentiments summit - themed in june 2023 as microeducationsummit.com Glasgow university (see also notes from ecop26.com and entrepreneurialrevolution.city ).   Within dialogues shared with The Economist during forty years before webs overtook newspapers as core instruments of dialogue, the following minority schools of American thinking since Kennedy have relevance to open minded governance: Ezra Vogel's Asia Pacific Rising models; much of peter Drucker's work; Intrapreneurship by Gifford Pinchot; What Continuous Improvement engineering models valued when integrating all stakeholders rights ; Future historian work eg by Naisbitts and Toffler can be used to open debates American designed media has tended to close. Satoshi's blockchain model is the first global financial model of potential exponential relevance.
x ed3 open minded questions include

It is also not clear what could be called the American adminstraive mindset govering the world represents. Oxfam says 30 richest americand own more finacial assets than the 40% poorest. So to be blunt does the dolar model of economics mainly represnet 25 peoples compound interests, or the 2.5% of the world who are white America or all 4.5% of North Aerica- or within American states does Texas mindset always beggar thy neighbor of other states given this state's control of oil economy and gun law rooted in controling its forced purchase of west coast from mexico. These are not simple dynamics yet that is no reason to exclude them if human and artificial intel are to advance the human lot across generations. Another approach is in the memory of Queen Elizabeth 2 to debate where is public service number 1 in what a nation's branding is purposefully connecting to our species. Zoom with us after september's debate on progress of UN2 at www.queenofhearts.city as we allocate 9 months homework to Adam Smiths 265 moral sentiments summit - themed in june 2023 as microeducationsummit.com Glasgow university (see also notes from ecop26.com and entrepreneurialrevolution.city ).   Within dialogues shared with The Economist during forty years before webs overtook newspapers as core instruments of dialogue, the following minority schools of American thinking since Kennedy have relevance to open minded governance: Ezra Vogel's Asia Pacific Rising models; much of peter Drucker's work; Intrapreneurship by Gifford Pinchot; What Continuous Improvement engineering models valued when integrating all stakeholders rights ; Future historian work eg by Naisbitts and Toffler can be used to open debates American designed media has tended to close. Satoshi's blockchain model is the first global financial model of potential exponential relevance.
Its pretty simple mathematically to see if those governing systems or networks of systems are stewarding exponentials: when transparently modeled SWOT required leaders to clarify opportunity of exponential growth versus threat of system collapse. Ironically in the age that the slide ruler (or log tables0 were mathematicians tool, economist like keynes were model philosophers- you can see in the last chapter of Keynes general theory his plea never to be ruled by numerologists. We can track the transparency/morality of market models to Adam Smiths work. The original definition of entrepreneur by frenchman JB Say is interesting as it was concerned with questioning what cultural revolutions would lead to societies advancing all human lives. The Economist's 1976 application of Neumann values Entrepreneurial Revolution provides a benchmark from which you can judge which of the 100+ adjectival variants of entrepreneur coined since 1976 integrates the maths of sustainability and which are subject to hacking by greenwashers

chrismacrae.com, EconomistDiary.com. microeducationsummit.com (with Scotland) hodler 390 at www.ed3dao.com led by New York's extraordinary MS VS 

abedmooc.com power of womens kindness part 2 leapfrog models from 1997 (cooperation platforms from places without electricity to mobile solar mediation mass and web)
 metavillage platforms without electricity to 1997; 
Advancement  4 local/communal dynamics 2 human energy -0-6 access explains half of human dev; 3 local health especially prevention of killer diseases in tropics -water born , insect born infectious;- non-linear livelihood education - everyone student & teacher; 5 100k person community building by women;  since 1972
Rural (90% of peoples without electricity in 8th most populated nation)
Bangladesh (land surrounded by enemeies and cut off from overland and sea trade routes (barred from what had been continents superport)

 BRA-Cooperation uni platforms form 1972
goal 5 metastory kindness of developing kigs 0-6 (half of human dev)
-design life in day of : minimuims between 0-1, 6-11, 11+ (in age of 100000 community building kids apprentice in family networked busoienss - von neumanns story, home schooled in parade of mercants except maths from agfe 11 - city's best maths class - one teacher 15 adolescent kids?0 
flow learning- maximise expereinetial edge of unoique ability to serve human race
nft womens kindess zbee out of hong kong

BEINGai.com with jeanne lim
hong kong trio of mr metaverse
from 2022 - previously sophia curator of sdgs at UN; tourist places shared ecotourist guide across eg 100 hotels ....
goal54321 metamap abed 30 cooperation 1 billion girls.com

Alumni of von neumann anticipated one last chance to unite peoples with 1000 times more techforgood through 2015-2030. So far youth's only worldwide hope of sustainability generation has indeed come from digital global cooperation -this movement began 2016 and year 1 review of education's goal  4 three months before Guterres appointment: his relentless support for UN2 digital roadmapping is unlike any other governance leader  (why no economics prize Nobel?)- latest news viewed from brussels sept 2022; - if you want to double check whole library that JYK AND JM started rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk -Glasgow and Neumann economic alumni since 1951 double proortesting this at 265 adam smith moral sentiment s celebrationsjune 2023 aka microeducationsummit - the year of summitfuture

MP 1 2 3 4 5
SDM 1 2 3 4 5
TTR Miami  1 2 3 4 5
CoFounder ⭆ ↹ & ↹ Author ⭆ #EducatedByDesign ••••••📕#SpacesHost »» #ETH

nft education NFT goal 4 led by new yorker vriti ed3dao.com  next event includes Sep 28, 6:00 PM EDT

Clubhouse - https://bit.ly/3pPMZeX Each month, explore topic in web3 that impacts education. On Wednesday, September 28th 6pm est, Vriti and members of the Ed3 DAO team will talk about artificial intelligence.

twitter  & | alumna: TFA; mirror.xyz
ed3 partners include converence ASU-GSV
supported by Mike Peck, Scott, TheTechRabbi Thrilled to be hosting an amazing conversation w/ Apes that inspire daily. @Ed3DAO will be hosting a "Reimagining Education" conversation with @beijingdou @illaDaProducer @TheMiamiApe & @justfred_ar Thursday 9/15 @ 3PM EDT! twitter.com/i/spaces/1LyxB
wow sure needed some good news twitter #globaldigital2022 the week the Queens English passed. 
and Putin's war enters month 7

Truth is place governments have lagged in helping peoples celebrate Entrepreneurial Revolution- cooperation goods (above zero sum exchanges - eg apps of life critical multiply value in use unlike consuming up things) of 100 times more tech per decade gifted to us by the Goats of maths:V Neumann, Einstein, Turing , et al

Can we Unite Peoples in valuing sustainability of millennials by successfully benchmarking gov2.0 everywhere- can we the peoples unite around the UN2 digital roadmapping

Dont be surprised if some distance places help to set world class benchmarks in valuing     tech of global connectivity - Mongolia is expected to leap into the UN's top 10 egoe in 2022 rankings soon to be published here

Meanwhile enjoy presentations from Sept 2022 edition of digital global

globaldigital2022 host mongolia now top 5 in vov2
& UN tech envoy
estonia digital gov2.0 road estonia to mongolia (many nations practising0

UNglobaldigital2022 world bank 300million dollar investment in bangladesh benchmark gov2.0 - docs 1 ..2
.meanwhile ai road to good with un benefits from massive investing bu japan in UNuniversity AI see Naixus (japan) and IRCAI (Slovenia T) as well as ITU supporting 50 operating division of Un in at least one AI project.aiforgood took off new itu trajectory with year round aiforgood summit - first movers included IEEE's stephen Ibaraki and Xprizes diamandis and shingles.first every rear round college competition with 17 prize networks one for each sdg- this can grow and grow what every sdg needs - ist it stories of characters becoming ai beings; is it dao community treasures; is it ending silos of teach and skills of public servants.where else is digital cooperation and guterres tech envoy 9 piece game linking in next as un2.0 digital roadmap offers benchmark for any gov of the sustainability generation

.where can you learn 4 gravities of RAC-e
from 2001 new cooperation university

queenofhearts.city - what did 3 most dynamic monarchies learn from bangladesh - netherlands, UK, Japan
World record jobs- study area- oriental genii of crypto
Joe Tsai

leader of binance

?taking historic costs of property our of where human wizards meet
?taking risks of non-hippocratic oath professions out of future decision making

.Before launching ed3 NFT in 2022, Vriti hosted 2021's K20 conference- click icon to see speakers.Digital Cooperation is the oldest of what are now 9 interacting ways to celebrate UN2 (a wholly different service oriented united nations and model of gov wherever peoples want their kids to be sustainable

 our research for 2022 is in the process of being finalized. Check back f our current list of research and reports below:(Report) Human Rights and Human Agency in the Digital World: The Right to Privacy and Information 2022 Global Research: Creating an Inclusive Digital Economy (Report) Research: The Global State of Digital Security (2022 Report) Expanding Global Access to Digital Infrastructure (2022 Case Study)  Technology and Senior Independence at Home [2022 Market Research]  Working from Home: Statistics and Data for 2022

....report by undp on humans org launched 9/8/22- guter..........................
.what lessons from Un2 digital cooperation being shared from bangladesh- singapore consultant mentions world bank 300 million dollar benchmarking:

data news from unga77:
Food https://hungermap.wfp.org/ 
UN envoy hopes india g20 will see big leap in commons data bank on health, education

Survive (internal auditors) summit 2000: former CBI boss Banham begged industry sector chieftains to share knowledge on their sectors' greatest risks (compete over positive needs). They didn't - now many global sectors' purposes are destroying SDGs - From UNGA 2022 on, later let's make sure AI risk prevention Unites Us-signed UNenvoy; CUNY; I-Dair, UNUni, UWitwatersrand, UFRGS Brazil, IITDelhi-We cannot reap the full benefits of the digital age without mobilizing the global cooperation needed to mitigate its potential harms

1999 _at Harvard i presented research on western fake media; I was told JMM triple issue might be correct but unfundable in US; today I ask any business school graduate to double check reality with UNU chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

UNU 14 locations
.swiss connections
Abed & Swiss

wow diane that would be great- actually my bus arrives penn station 2.15 wednesday - is there somewhere we could meet in town at eg 3.30 or any time after that; will be heading out brooklyn way later to my hotel - so if better for your diary pls choose;  hey all is it practical if you have one latest bookmark on actions please send in ; we may have multiple overlapping agenda - 3 guesses include 1 whats next latin am; 2 how to maximise social business entrepreneurship which i believe is actually opposite to both social eetrepreneurship and big corporate especieally if we are to do good with decentralsied finamce or un2 (digital gov) at eg www.sdgmetaverseprize.org (simplest un interface I know of- choose 1 sdg; whats the viral story of your life cooperation around that sdg); 3 if new york is one of the 10 most cooperative cities in world of youth sustainability - who can help whom advance that -by the way you may have seen post-queen elizabeth: london is at a crossroads in every sense of future; aim to host lunchclub+ zoom on that in about 12 days if anyone interested chris whatsapp mobile +1 240 316 8157
Tech Envoy UN HQ Gutteres Digital Roadmap UN2  https://www.un.org/techenvoy/  egov rankings https://publicadministration.un.org/en/Research/UN-e-Government-Surveys

DIG Capacity BuildingHuman Rights.CODES Environment Adaptation
Global Connectivity ITU Gravity since 1865 Switzerland Telegrams; born as Geneva digital twin of UN 1945; in worldwide tele or rad sectors nobody wants 2+ standards
Digital Cooperation re-emerged as main role communities expect of gov in 2016 when educator review of SDG4 impossible unless max tech and ed mapping; same has since been understood by more and more skills and goals. Digital Capacity building is therefore also a requirement in an age wehere elders need to be lifelong students and youth as first adopters sometimes need to be early teachers> capacity building is also doble loped between thsoe who serve in government and those empowered to community build by true gov2.0 roadmaps.
Aifor good was first valued as a medi agenda by GOATS of mathes von neuman et al who foresaw 100 times more tech every decade. The Un2 process has renewed tjis gravity since 2018. In this sense WI is integration of all tech - see eg twin ai labs serving pacific coast out of stabnford and atklantic out of MIT Boston (legacy of Neumann since 1960). CODES has been added as pth transformation compoent- litearlly data on adapatation needs to be coded as divere/deep locally as humans and AI can sense
The other 4 components of UN2.0 are culturally and politically what uniting peoples after wirld war2 was declared by all nations as core to advancing our soecies in line with nature's evolutionary rules 

.edgy curricula stanford 22-23
9/8/22 i asked authors of today's extraordinary report - org systems of 2022 behind where we were sdg launch 2015 and boing backwards- is there a teachable curriculum? apparently not one un will help endorse for all teachers

typical correspondence www.livesmatter.city -hi tomorrow as scheduled- if that isnt good for you we can rearrange -  attending un events in new york this coming week ; back to normal 20 sept; or always happy to use whatsapp +1 240 316 8157 -  currently trying to remap who I connect with in 10 cities- london being one of them- by the way do you come across people at the impact hub -  first found them islington 2003 -together with the economist where my father' from 1951 asked v.neumann q -what good will peoples do with 100 times more tech/decade had hoped they would be pivotal to cooperation out of london but not worked out that way; all of the world my view is we are drowning in public bullies instead of public servants - Elizabeth was a last of kind unless charles finds good tech wizards; trying to find productive way to frame  designing next web around; eg  new un year round competition is building block in freeing youth to design sustainable communities & tech www.sdgmetaverseprize.org; also www.ed3dao.com -probable 10 lmc i can map NY stanford hk tokyo glasgow london singapore dhaka baltimore rome- not intending exlcde any peoples just where 70 yearsb of my family's networking currently sees so many extrordinary people trying to make youth fiurts sustainability (not forst extinction ) generation chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk


help host discussions on nfts- tell us if one of these topics interests you chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk


Binance Enters Talks With Nigeria To Build A Digital City To Develop BlockchainBinance has announced plans to develop an Export Processing Zone Authority (NEPZA) in Nigeria. This move will open the door to the largest West Africa market and have dynamic results on the adoption of crypto in the second most populous continent on earth. The NEPZA will foster the growth of crypto and related businesses. Tax and trade incentives will be available to those who operate in the zone. In addition The Block notes that this development will also help provide new labor opportunities for local Nigerians.see also binance foundation

.very excited by data event cohosted today by un and world bank around newish www.datawithpurpose.org the simplest example mentioned referred to by world bank Ms Mari Pangetsu seemed to be hunger map live https://hungermap.wfp.org/ -maurice any comments on this ? (practically does it work for whom?- in other segments botswana was presented as making great leaps forward in egov and ghana declared it aimed to be a lead connector - I am sending a longer email asking whether those of us in dc can have an evening during before summer goes to discuss recent advances but thought above might be relevant to spencer continued dialogue with zambia president (what i would really like to see is an NFT of 1000 food educators - i believe those who enter goal 2 www.sdgmetaverseprize.org can be part of this community as can india's g20 now that amandeep from india is leading the whole of un2 digital roadmapping https://www.un.org/techenvoy/ how do community level food solutions africa india bangladesh make sure they lead ground up? please note how the un tech envoy office emerged is not well understood because it goes back to first yera review of sdggs sept 2016 event I attended - at that time jim kim and jack ma almost walked out of a meeting that concluded goal 4 education was impossible - most in the room said we need more funding ma and kim said we must connect hq ed and policy with geneva tech and health and trade - while ma and kim did this - they then suffered persona chalenges especially when trump came along so in my opinion itys crucial to find someone in team kim and ma and make sure their alumni are connected with what is our best chnace to get a bottom up UN helping younger half of world replicate desperate community solutions.................................
.gordon brown and 100 leading signatories helps launch 2 bn$ ed fund announced UN sept 2022

? it remains unclear why half way into the sdgs 2015, GB financing and fans of  edtech digital learning now core to the UN often seem to have 2 different scripts


UN/ITU -Zoom 500+ interdisciplinary planetwide ideas applying 100times more techgood per decade

mail to edit into above cooperation spaces
irstly can i intro mg1935 - aka Marcelo Giugale After 31 years of service, my last day at the World Bank. I will retire tomorrow and become Georgetown Professor. It is difficult to put into words my gratitude  ed note MG=jim kims most trusted latin am direct cash transfer entrepreneur  Putting a face on poverty | Marcelo Giugale | TEDxWBG

are we ready to explore probability of between 3 to 10 times more value of sustainability generation produced at community levels than gdps and paper money analyses (its our best chance imo of leaping forward from sgds going backwards) - certainly the cooperation legacy fazle abed asked to be celebrated around half century of billion asian women community builders 16 trips to bangladesh http://www.abedmooc.con 

possible agenda 
world class DAO/Crypto community treasury
goal 4 has a youth led dao that is unstopable http://www.ed3dao.com as is new yorks https://www.dreamdao.xyz/   (this empowers 15-20s to lead borderless sdg solutions- good news is miami seems to be grand central junction of american metaverse gamers- there is certainly a latin american connection there well placed in both education and the celebrity bored apes (until I did a lot of searching I though that all the ape nfts were just overpriced art but I now realise they agent sports and music stars - essentially they are talking youth fashion value back for youth from the corrupt old adminstrators eg the us gymnastics scanda or the fifa world cup scandals)
but what about food daos I cant find a first benchmark  and what about community health daos and real women cooperation empowerment and climate adaptation daos- we need at least one world class benchmark of each knowhow compass before unga78- dont we?

2 according to todays un broadcast with http://www.dataforpurpose.org food data may have made the greatest borderless mapping advance https://hungermap.wfp.org/ for anyone to access - maurice with 16 years of food data collection at world bank can clarify
3 UN2 digital roadmapping https://www.un.org/techenvoy/   - Cooperation's positive leaps platform of Guterres - deonds on clarifying how youth go forward with each goal especially as web3 takes over- fortunately this new year round prize  http://www.sdgmetaverseprize.org can catalyse this in time for un summit future 2023

4 anything else urgent regarding cooperation and scaling sdg actions and younger half of world's opportunities to do good with 100 times more tech per decade (the scoop von neumann metnoired my dad in back in 1951 and which the economist celebrated while newspapers had a global influence stage) - eg what are common interest between those most concerned with global south 1 africa 2 latin america 3 bangladesh (india) and women empowerment networks

I have chosen this circulation list specifically as we have shared conversations by theme even if the places we care about most are different- there's a lot to make sure we can all see at the same time as urgent do now cooperation opportunities- i have borrowed the un twitter handle  https://twitter.com/search?q=%23globaldigital2022&src=typed_query  - it turns out that nations previously poorest are jumping up UN egov rankings because they share service solutions - typically eg estonia has given ist soltions to mongolia and possibly botswana to mention but 3 who have made joyful recent UNGA presentations and refrreed aloi to this 300 million dollar bangladesh bottom up gov program with world bank

regarding africa today un and world bank hosted meeting in series on http://www.dataforpurspoe.urg - one example they mentioned as world class is on food - thats maurice data speciaity at world bank ; 

Paula works on youth partnerships at DC;'s institute of peace effectively bridges what african and latin america youth both need most to develop jobs and communities

africa is also :accidentally" leading un understanding of metaverse - 22-23 year long youth prize SDG Metaverse Prize -   was launched by the ITY and africa's leading youth summit out of rwanda- in actuality the host are in their 20th hosting of xprizes as well and connecting all the tech smarts the UN has connected out of geneva which is from 1945 where all tech/communications advances- this prize is expected to attract at least 10000 entries by 17 sdg action tracks - probably the first time such massive youth commitments have been data id by goal

jim kim has had a hard year with passing of paul framer while over at http://www.pih.irg rwanda- can we help reunite kim health alumni?
it was while jim kim was at his peak that at a year one review of sdg4 education in un ny 2016 - leaders said sorry its impossible - instead kim led a team that said we must connect tech from geneva with education and youth- that has become the un2 digital roadmap on which all positive advances of guterres depend

meanwhile i met diane last week - she connects with in brazil's rene which is at a crossroads if lula gets back in power - whatever the rights and wrongs of brazil politics it was lula around 2005 who overnighted between the world social forum born in porto alegre and the woorld economic forum- in the past diane was lebabon's teach for coordinator - diane also told me that in a few weeks cornell on roosevety island will host a summit- since they share space with india's tata i see this as a huge leap - withii rowing distance of Un HQ wnedy kopp promised a lot to her 60 teach for teachers associations when she got the most recent wise laureate the original global prize alumni network of my hero fazle abed; with 32 lebanese women winning americas got talent can we get at least one of them interested in daos- what other ways do you see of celebrating arabian females- is it true that soros and bard have finally offered 40 scholarships to afghans following up the amazing work of their pioneer scholar sonita sonita bard - Google Search

tech envoy by goal eg health g3
Is there a digital cooperation or tech envoy online library by each goal in this case health? I have studied digital cooperation since jim kim started a movement UNGA 2016 -he was shocked when it was clear that year 1 education commission review of sdg4 showed no links between educators and geneva technologists and trade. Is Jim kim's team aware of this summit. History shows that back in 2005 all of jim kim , fazle abed (emergence of brac university partnerships) , bill and melinda gates and others were closely cooperating (as soon was columbia health school with an endowment from George Soros) but clearly ai health last mile service community has had zigs/zags since then chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

xtech envoy events goary 
9/6 digitalglobal mongolia
9/7 accekearting sdgs with ai reserachers
at the economist 1951-1989 entrepreneurial revolution : scoop von neumann q: what good will peoepls do with 100 tiems more tech per decade - every decade 1930s to 2020s

1970-1999 - greatest women development miracle - 1 bilion girls empower tropical asia - part 1 of fazle abed's half centiry - cooperation platforms that change ai (benchmar servant leadership gov-2.0)
miracle part 2 yet to compete abed starts new university to understand platforms where vilage girls leapfrog with mobile and solar (ie how to leap from web-1 no electricicity to contribute to web3 returning sustainability to younger half of world's generation)

optionl study -- how west web0 global tv advertsising lost sustainability - 1988: when dad retired from 40 years at Economist we formed World Class Brands -media experst wanting to do good with extreme power of media - library 1988 xmas issue economist year of brand followed by Economist genres of death of brand & death of brand manager- 2 book world class brands (what is purpose of brand from 1989 - how massive partnering of brands must not greenwash); 1994 with economist intelligence unit BRAND LEADERSHIP & ARCHITECTURE CHARTERING- why brand isnt just most valuable intangible but compass gravitaing opportunity & threat of organsiational leadership (expoenenetialy) sustaining unique purpose across generation not just quarterly accounting; - by 1999 we published triple special issue of Journal of Marketing Managament - worst media mistakes of 20th C; so western global tv media 1970-1999 sadly started new millennium destroying sustainability goals - and the rushed millennium goals just added to green washing which is where humans premiered 2015's new SDgoals and why/how in these 2020s we are hurtling towards cooperation's last chance - Guterres UN2 (alternative 1999 reference cluetrain - the hopes of dotomcs dahed in west ; ecommerce monolpoly of designing usa by bezos; alterantive asian stidies group ma- stanforsd yang- japan maso son (does well until trump cpmes alomg) ; then everything gets resh=uffled- another way of loonking at where we are heading 2022 on

2015 first time ny un hq (or any 1945 multilateral)9 seeks tech cooeratio geneva (digital twin suimjvce 1945 through ITU which had spevialised in engineers of global connectivity since 1865's world of telegraphs! 
For our sgd era, digital cooperation starting with education, 2018 gutrrees asks fot year long digital cooperation futures map. This gives us all another chnace to reflect on who;s been mediating maths goats most valuable question - what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade 1930s to 2030s? 
Surprisingly formal multilateral sources dont seem to have made this their pivotal question to the first year review of 2015's sdgs found they were hopeless unless skills integral to of each goal's perfromance were blended with tech - educators were first to notice this - jim kim and jack ma connected UN HQ ny with geneva unctad and itu;3 months before guterres 10 year term started-. like kim, guterres values franciscan "servant leadership" culture (both met pope francis early) and has practised bottom up (guterres refugees), kim village health); where village thru 20th C meant network platform solutions to 1999 without electricity grids;  then leapfrog  from 2000; tech for good envoy is designing 9 piece framework to unite transformations with total change to education being the key for year 22-23 . This perspective supports those entrepreneurs celebrating 17 prizes for tech one per SDgoal - sdgmetaverseprize.org new 2022 UN egov ranking celebrate leaps by newcomer- mongolia host celebrations thanks estonia and mention Bangladesh world bank 300 mn dollar benchmark celebration micro entrepreneurs 90% people empowered services 22-23 first college year started by un summit edu no longer fir for purpose - relay to next UNGA unsummitfuture.com since 2018 ITU has helped 50 operating units of un find at least 1 aiforgood project to linkin; countries like estonia and japan have helped un capacity building and UNU with ai ircai and naixus (ai has become the interconnecting topic of Un science summits0 thanks to asians we already have 3 sdgnftprize.org nftsdgs.com cooperations 5 womens kindness 4 education 1&17 what to do when community entrepreneurs being distracted by wariring place govs ; some great Decentralised Financial world examples hong kong's virtual land sandbox ; ukraine biggest nft gofunded by we the web3-native peoples; 22-23 timing of  sdgemetaverseprize can clarify which goals need beings (character storyteller leadership) eg orphans need reg rowlings characters to become being which sdgs need community treasury DAO; 

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